Monday, November 30, 2009


jeez...No classes today, I'm hanging out with mah friends for mah pictorial..we've been to may places,different houses... but it's fun really...

my top 8 hottest guys this november..

8. Nico Ibaviosa, model

7. Justin Chon, half american half korean

6. Inuyasha..anime guys are also included..hehe

5. Justin Bieber, Singer

4. Wilber Pan Wei BO , a rapper

3. Ryo Nishikido, a Japanese model

2. Matt Lanter from the disaster movie

and the no. 1,,

kennichi from death note movie!!

That's it!!! for my own opinion only!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

the disaster movie..

check out THE DISASTER MOVIE... good for a laughing trip with friends..
surely, your favorite movies are going to be destroyed!!
for example, high school musical, step up, juno, enchanted, hannah montana, and many more..

ALso in the movie,
Amy Winehouse
The Hulk
Iron man (i think??)
Alvin and the Chipmunks (cannibal version????)

just check it's great......

Saturday, November 28, 2009

new moon..

lone and restless in my room,
i look up at the stars, wishing you were here to share my silence in the stillness of the night.....

thoughts of you embrace my sight, calling your name amidst the silence..

and the words to say i do love nobody else, only you, spoken only by my heart..

Friday, November 27, 2009

welcome to my world!!!

..hi..i'm Ennel Andrei..but just call me Andie for short..
im crazy,im silly, i'm funny, i'm cute, i'm brave, girly, sweet and loud, i'm annoying,opinionated and fun!! i'm not everything i wish i could be, but i'm everything i need to be and i like it like that>>